John Paul II (Joannes Paulus, present. The name of Karol Wojtyla [Karol Wojtyla])( Pope c 1978)
Comments for John Paul II (Joannes Paulus, present. The name of Karol Wojtyla [Karol Wojtyla])
Biography John Paul II (Joannes Paulus, present. The name of Karol Wojtyla [Karol Wojtyla])
(<b>Joannesb> <b><b>Paulusb>b>, present. the <b>nameb> of <b>Karolb> <b>Wojtylab> [<b>Karolb> <b>Wojtylab>]) <br> 18.V.1920 -- <br><br> <b>Johnb> <b>Paulb> II - the first Polish prelate selected in the Pope. Also over the past 450 years, he became the first non-Italian pope. <b>Karolb> <b>Wojtylab> was born May 18, 1920, in a working class family in Wadowice (Wadowice). His mother died when he was 9 years old, and his father was killed in World War II. <br> <a href='<b>paul_ii_cb>.phtml' target=_blank rel="nofollow">Image coinsa>